Saturday, March 5, 2011

Venting About Life

Geez, my brother's mother is a bitch. Well, really he's my half-brother, but we're blood all the same. Why is his mother so disreputable? Well, for years, his mother has been pretty much mind-fucking him about how awful our dad is, how useless school is, and pretty much setting him up to be an unproductive person. He turned eighteen in January, meaning the child support my dad has been paying was going to get cut off for him unless he was in school. Surprise (or not), we learned he was often late to school, hardly did his homework, and had really bad grades. He called dad the other day (earlier this week, if I remember right), and expressed extreme distaste for school, and mentioned he was going to drop out. I knew from a high-school-aged friend of mine that juniors were taking their ACT exams, so we asked him how he did. He didn't have high expectations for his results.

Sad, isn't it?

Continuing, a recent letter from the state came. Apparently his mother intends to get him declared mentally disabled, with herself as his guardian. It's a ploy, really, as there isn't diddly wrong with him. She just wants to milk dad for more money, cause she doesn't work, and apparently she doesn't want my brother to go be productive, either. Like crabs in a freaking barrel if you ask me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No Interesting Title Today

Ugh, I am tired today. Missed my class today, as I had overslept and wouldn't have been able to make it on time. Oh well, so long as I get the paper for Bible Lit done by next Wednesday, it shouldn't be much of a problem that I missed today.

I decided to give my novel's world its own tarot-set up, and it's somewhat harder than I had first thought it might be. Not something  I can't tackle, though, thanks in part to the awesome folks over at the NaNoWriMo forums. I posted an advice/help-seeking thread there a little while ago, and have gotten some pretty good replies so far. One thing that looks quite promising in its usefulness is Seventh Sanctum, and their tarot card generator. I've been by that site maybe once or twice before, and never knew they had a tarot card generator. Pretty cool thing, I think.