Monday, February 28, 2011

Tiring Life Is Tiring

Been a couple of days since I last wrote something here, I know. The reason for that is I currently don't have reliable internet at home, but the guys from AT&T are coming Thursday to set it up. Went over my grandma's house today, and I had to set up her Kindle (again). The first one, a gift to her from one of my aunts, she spilled water on the screen somehow. So, now she has a new one, and I had to help her out with syncing it with her Amazon account. A simple thing, right? Eh, not for her. She isn't all that tech-savvy, unfortunately. I had to show here how to burn a CD once, and I'm not sure if she ever really has burned one to this day.

Aside from aiding my grandma, I had my English Bible As Literature class today (henceforth referred to as Bible Lit), and I really (like, REALLY) need to get that paper finished for it. Late enough as it is, and another one will be due in the next three weeks or so. I'm thinking of doing the late one on the story of Jonah and the Whale, and the second one on the Book of Job. Interesting thing, the Bible, if not taken as a literal document from the mouth of a deity. I might do a post exclusively on the Bible (or part of it, at the very least) at a later date. I'm a bit tired, even if it is only a quarter to six, but coffee definitely helps alleviate the tiredness. Especially since I need to finish up three poems that are due for Creative Writing tomorrow.

Ta ta for now!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Setting Sail

So, I started a blog. Yay! I think. Heh. Anywho, I, as you may have guessed, am Lorelei Mathieu. It isn't my real name, but it will be the name you lot will know me by. This isn't my first blog (I've made others, under other names) that really didn't go anywhere. But, I'm hopeful for this one, believe me.

I'm a writer. Currently unpublished, but this will be altered in the near future. I'm working on a Fantasy novel, one I feel has a great deal of potential. Let's just hope publishers and editors feel the same way! =D

I am also an avid gamer, but I love RPGs and MMOs most of all. Final Fantasy VII was one of my first video games, and I'm still a fan. I write fanfiction in addition to my own original work, and no, you don't get to know my FFNet name to go read my old crap. I just might make a new one, and write better crap. Lol. 

Well, that's it for now. If you're a fan of Fantasy stories, a video game nut, or looking to offer encouragement for this fish casting out into the digital sea, please, by all means, hang around for a while.
